
Why fe-safe?

fatigue analysis software suite is a world-leading solution for FEA-based durability analysis, with direct interfaces to all major FEA suites (Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran (MSC. NEi, NX), Pro/Mechanica), and features tailored to satisfy the most demanding industry applications. fe-safe was the first commercially accessible fatigue analysis software to focus on modern multi-axial strain-based fatigue methodologies, and it remains the industry standard.

Fe-safe is included in Extended Packaging, allowing unified access to all solution technologies within the portfolio through a single token pool.

The suite provides:

  •  Accurate, reliable multiaxial fatigue analysis, regardless of the complexity of your loading and model.
  • Rubber: Unique, leading-edge technology for the fatigue analysis of elastomers.
  • Verity Module: The original, patented Verityâ„¢ Structural Stress Method for seam, structural and spot welded joints.
  • TURBOlife: Thermomechanical fatigue analysis with unique capabilities for creep-fatigue interaction.
  • Smooth workflow between the SIMULIA portfolio of products: Abaqus, Isight and Tosca.

Do you think fatigue analysis software is a good fit for your company?

We are here to assist with any question