Forensic Engineering
ENA2 engineering firm specialize on forensic engineering to investigate damage and failure to structures, equipment, or machines in order to determine the cause. This information can then be used as evidence in proving the cause of damage, injury, or loss of life. Real-world applications include structural failures, railroad or car accidents and failures. As well, forensic engineering helps determine product defects and recalls negligence, and insurance companies in determining liability versus non-liability cases.
Failure analysis
Failure analysis is an integral part of the forensic engineering process. The term “failure” covers a broad range in magnitude from individual parts to entire processes. It may be categorized as physical, human, root, or latent.
Analyzing the failure is vital as it determines that root cause of problems in structures and components. The process not only demands technical knowledge from a variety of disciplines, but also draws upon skills from observation, inspection, and experience. From the information gathered and proper education, preventative measures may be carried out in order to avoid future problems.

Forensic engineering services

Forensic Investigations

Failure Analysis


Oil & Gas Pipeline Investigation

Oilfield Equipment Failure Analysis


Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction

Litigation Support

Expert Reporting & Witnessing

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Static analysis
- Dynamic analysis
- Explicit dynamic analysis
- Impact dynamic analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Fatigue & Fracture analysis
- Vibration/pulsation analysis
- Blast modelling
- Linear/non- linear analysis
- Steady/transient analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Piping
- Smoke movement analysis
- HVAC air flow analysis
- Wind analysis
- Steady/transient thermal analysis
- Fuel/gas leaking